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What does it cost to translate my videos?

Learn how the payment at Dubly.AI works and how much you pay for translating your videos.

Our goal has always been to provide Dubly.AI users with the simplest and most flexible billing model possible.

That is why we decided to go for the simplest of all options. Billing is based on translated video minutes.

What does this mean for you? All you have to do is calculate how many minutes you want to translate per month/year and you can configure your personalized plan based on that.

Calculation example: You want to translate a video course with 10 videos of 15 minutes each into 2 languages per month. The calculation is as follows 10 videos x 15 minutes x 2 languages = 300 minutes.

You can simply enter this amount into the calculator on the pricing page and find out the individual cost of your translations.


We offer two different plans:

  • Either a monthly plan that you can cancel at any time.
  • Or a 12-month plan where you can save money.