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What payment methods are available?

Learn what payment are available to purchase a subscription

Billing for Dubly.AI is structured to accommodate both individual users and larger enterprise clients with different payment needs.

Standard payment methods

Standard Payment Method: For most customers, Dubly.AI accepts payments via credit card or PayPal. This process is streamlined and secure, facilitated through Stripe, a widely recognized and trusted online payment processing platform. This method is suitable for purchasing Monthly Subscriptions or Yearly Subscriptions.

Enterprise & High Volume Plans

For enterprise clients or users with high-volume requirements, Dubly.AI offers individualized payment options. Since these plans are typically more complex and tailored to specific organizational needs, the billing arrangements are also customized. If you fall into this category, you are encouraged to contact Dubly.AI's sales team. They will work with you to understand your specific requirements and provide a payment solution that aligns with your business model and usage needs.