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Step by Step Tutorial for the perfect Video Translation

Learn how to translate your first video.

Step 1: Log in to your Dubly Account

The first step is to log in to your account. If you do not have an account yet, you can create one for free, or if you already have an account, you can simply log in to the Dubly.AI website.

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Step 2: Create your first Dub

Navigate to your Dub Library in the left navigation. Then press the “New Dub” button to start creating your first translation.

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Step 3: Video Upload

You have two options for inputting your video. Find all information about both of them below by opening the associated heading.

YouTube Video

Is it as easy as it could be 😊 Just paste the link of the video you would like to translate in the input field.

The Link should have this format: links are currently not supported. Neither are YT-Short links. In both cases you can easily copy the video ID and bring it to the format above. Example: needs to be converted to:
File Upload

Just drag & drop your file into the upload field or alternatively search your computer directly.

For now only .mp4 files up to a maximum size of 5 GB supported.
Step 4: Configuration
Basic Configuration

In the first step we start with the basic information of your Dub.

Step (1): Define a title for your dub. This title will appear later in the dub overview.

Step (2): Select the source language. For now, Dubly only supports single-language videos as source material.

Step (3): Target language. Select as many languages as you want to translate into.

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More Details

Below the basics you can specify two more properties. With the first one you select if the music has any kind of background sounds or music you would like to preserve. If your video is not recorded in a perfectly optimized studio environment we always recommend enabling this option. With the second one you can select how many speakers take place in your video. If you do not know the exact number you can select “autodetect”. Please note that the results might be a little bit better if you specify the correct number.

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Advanced Settings for better results

In the advanced section you are able to “feed” Dubly with additional information that help the tool to get a better understanding of your video which will result in a better translation.


The context prompt gives you the opportunity to write 1-2 sentences about the content of your video. This will help you get a better transcription result by understanding the words in the context of your video, which will automatically lead to better translations.

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In the Custom Vocabulary section, you can specify unique words that appear in your video, which will help Dubly get the correct spelling and therefore better translation results by preserving these words.

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Step 5: Summary

After confirming that you have all rights to translate your video you will se a brief summary at the bottom of the modal with the amount of credits needed.

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